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Plateforme STELLA MARE | UMS3514 - CNRS / Università di Corsica
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Technology transfer
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Technology transfer


The aim of this centre is to stimulate experimental research (engineering ecology), but also to develop operational transfer (ecological engineering) and innovative techniques and practices (environmental engineering) in order to ensure full integration of the various actors in the sector (decision-makers, researchers, engineers, managers, fisheries professionals, etc.) Our approach, designed to support companies working in the marine coastal environment and environmental managers in their engagements, aims to provide solutions, at least at a Mediterranean level, over three key points: sustainable aquaculture, responsible fishing and the maintenance of biodiversity and the proper functioning of ecosystems. Our team, incorporating aquaculture and fisheries engineers and technicians, works in close collaboration with researchers from the Research centre and marine professionals from the Mediterranean on the following actions:

Developping sustainable aquaculture

Diversification of the local species of interest, innovation towards eco-sustainable techniques, reduction of the risks of pathogen transfer, improvement in risk prevention and health management, Two ongoing programmes (Common dentex, Flat oyster)

Active involvement in responsible fishing

Understanding species behaviour better, improvement of techniques for productivity, diversification of economic resources, development of sustainable exploitation models aimed at protecting and increasing fishery resources, Seven ongoing programmes (traditional fishing, recreational fishing, behavioural tracking, Reef, Sea Urchin, Lobster, Post-Larvae)

Maintenance of the biodiversity of the marine and coastal environment

Ecosystem diagnostics for degraded ecosystems, community restoration, reintroduction of species of interest, six ongoing programmes (Sea urchin, Lobster, Limpet, Oyster, Reef, Post-larvae)