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Plateforme STELLA MARE | UMS3514 - CNRS / Università di Corsica
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Raising Awareness
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Raising Awareness


The U Marinu Association UNESCO accredited for the DESD (Decade of Education for Sustainable Developlent) is strongly involved locally in actions to raise awareness and educate all about the marine environment for sustainable development in the Mediterranean. The Permanent Centre for Environmental Initiatives, CPIE “Bastia Golo Mediteranee’, collaborates with the University of Corsica in terms of raising awareness by outreach engagements twice a month via the Stella Mare platform to inform secondary school students about the marine environment.

Each session takes place in line with the following programme:


  • Laboratory visit “Marine and coastal diversity”
  • Diffusion of a documentary on the Mediterranean
  • Workshop to discover the sea washup on the lido beach


This active partnership is implemented in Corsica at a local level to include the wider public and a majority of students but also at a national and international level, by encouraging the development of similar networks working across the Mediterranean (MED’EDUC, Mare in Festa, Club Unesco, France EuroMed, Legambiente, UNCPIE, Nicolas Hulot Foundation...).


Discover more information about our work in the Raising Awareness section