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Former programs

Anciens Programmes

MARTE+ (Mare Ruralità e Terra : potenziare l’unitarietà strategica), Governance models and monitoring for the conservation and enhancement of fisheries resources

Italian – French Marittimo european strategic programme / European territorial cooperation


Project initiator: The region of Tuscany

Partners: Tuscany region, Liguria region, Sardinia, Corsica region, Provincia di Grosseto, Provincia di Oristano, ODARC Corsica, University of Corsica, Prud’homes de Corse, CIBM Livorno, ARSIA Toscana, AGRIS Sardinia, LAORE Sardinia

Duration: 2010-2013

Amount for the GEM project: 170 000€


The programme aimed to strengthen the strategic unity of the territories concerned (Tuscany, Liguria, Sardinia, Corsica) by focusing on development issues in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship. The objective was to increase the competitiveness of rural and coastal marine areas through the creation of common models and shared governance. The University of Corsica was involved in 2 of the 6 sub-projects:
L’objectif étant d’accroitre la compétitivité des zones rurales et côtières marines par la création de modèles communs et de gouvernance partagée. L’Université de Corse était impliquée sur 2 des 6 sous-projets :
  • SB which targeted governance and monitoring models for the conservation and enhancement of fishery resources (with particular development of interregional planning tools for the management of fishery resources, and the mapping of small scale fishing in the 4 territories)
  • SD of Innovation in the productive and technical systems of fishing and aquaculture (with experiments on the reproduction of the edible sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus) with the objective of experimenting with the reproduction of native species to improve productivity while respecting the environment. This represented both a commercial interest in the four regions concerned but also an opportunity to promote innovation and sustainable farming techniques or sustainable fisheries.







LIFE+ SUBLIMO (Monitoring the Biodiversity of the Post Larves Ichtyques of the Western Mediterranean)

European Life+ Nature & Biodiversity Programme
Project initiator: CNRS Languedoc-Roussillon
Partners: University of Perpignan, University of Corsica
Duration: 2011-2015
Amount for the GEM project: 747 000€
This programme aimed to analyse, monitor and reduce the loss of marine biodiversity through a series of concrete actions based on a better understanding of the life cycle of Mediterranean fish and the larval and post-larval phases.
The process consists of three steps:
(1) CAPTURE of live larvae in the open sea using light traps (2) BREEDING for several months on land and (3) RELEASE of the juveniles in the natural environment in specific micro-habitats to increase their survival rate.
Indeed, the repopulation makes it possible to reduce the mortality by 10 because the juveniles are more capable to avoid the strong predation
Thus, increasing the survival rate of juveniles by avoiding the high mortality suffered by post-larvae when they arrive on the coast, would make it possible to maintain or even increase local fish populations.
Local craft fishermen are voluntarily involved in the programme to enable them to adopt a new sustainable management method for fish stocks.
The implementation and progress of this programme transferred to EU scientists, customers and managers, could lead to proposals for management measures and new indicators.

ZOUMATE – Wet Zones: Environment, Protection and Education
Italy-France Marittimo European Operational Program. European Territorial Cooperation.
Project initiator: Sardinia Region
Partners: Oristano Province, lucca Province, Fondazione IMC onlus, Carbonia Iglesias Province, Sassari university, Porto Conte Park, Pisa Provincea
Duration: 2014-2016
Amount for GEM project: 190 000€
The project aimed to promote and raise awareness of wetlands within the territories of the various partners through knowledge transfer to the public, key stakeholders and through environmental education, with the purpose of preserving and protecting these fragile environments.
Several actions have been targeted: scientific monitoring of lagoon environments, organisation of seminars, development of exhibition spaces and educational workshops, establishment of mobile museums, creation and implementation of educational trails, development of applications for mobile phones...