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Theses and publications
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Theses and publications



Caractérisation de la diversité des post-larves de poissons en Méditerranée nord-occidentale et la variabilité de leur recrutement - Thèse par Laure-Hélène Garsi


Exploitation, biologie et structure de la population du denti, Dentex dentex, en Corse (Méditerranée Nord Occidentale) - Thèse par Michel Marengo


Application de réseaux de capteurs sans fils : apprentissage de chants polyphoniques corse - Thèse par Jean-Sébastien Gualtieri


Structure et fonction des communautés phytoplanctoniques en milieux côtiers marin et lagunaire (Méditerranée – Corse) dans une optique de gestion - Thèse par Marie Garrido




Année 2018
  1. Erostate M., Huneau F., Garel E., Lehmann M.F., Kuhn T., Aquilina L., Vergnaud-Ayraud V., Labasque T., Robert S., Provitolo D., Pasqualini V., 2018. Delayed nitrate dispersion within a coastal aquifer provides constraints on land-use evolution and nitrate contamination in the past. Science of the Total Environment. 644, 928-940
  2. Marengo M., Durieux E.D.H., Ternengo S., Lejeune P., Degrange E., Pasqualini V., Gobert S., 2018. Comparison of elemental composition in two wild and cultured marine fish and potential risks to human health. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 158: 204-212.
  3. Özak, A. A., Ternengo, S., & Boxshall, G. A., 2018. Redescription of Caligus pagelli Delamare Deboutteville & Nuñes-Ruivo, 1958 (Copepoda: Caligidae) on the common pandora, Pagellus erythrinus (Linnaeus), in western Mediterranean waters off Corsica, France. Systematic parasitology, 1-11.
  4. Ternengo, S., Marengo, M., El Idrissi, O., Yepka, J., Pasqualini, V., & Gobert, S., 2018. Spatial variations in trace element concentrations of the sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, a first reference study in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine pollution bulletin, 129(1), 293-298.
  5. Sy M., Rey-Valette H., Simier M., Pasqualini V., Figuières C., De Wit R., 2018. Agreements on coastal lagoons’ ecosystem services conservation priorities using Q methodology. Ecological Economics. 154, 1-13.
  6. Viret A, Tsaparis D, Tsigenopoulos CS, Berrebi P, Sabatini A, Arculeo M, Fassatoui C, Magoulas A, Marengo M, Morales-Nin B, Caill-Milly N, Durieux EDH. (2018) Absence of spatial genetic structure in common dentex (Dentex dentex Linnaeus, 1758) in the Mediterranean Sea as evidenced by nuclear and mitochondrial molecular markers. PloSOne. 13(9): e0203866.
Année 2017


  1. Audouit C., Pasqualini V., De Wit R., Flanquart H., Deboudt P., Rufin-Soler C., 2017. Comparing social representation of water quality in coastal lagoons with normative use of ecological indicators. Marine Policy, in press.
  2. Gobert S., Pasqualini V., Dijoux J., Lejeune P., Durieux E.D.H., Marengo M., 2017. Trace element concentrations in the apex predator swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from a Mediterranean fishery and risk assessment for consumers. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 120: 364-369.
  3. Marengo M., Baudouin M., Viret A., Berrebi P., Vignon M., Marchand B., Durieux E.D.H., 2017. Combining microsatellite, otolith shape and parasites community data as a holistic approach to assess population structure of Dentex dentex. Journal of Sea Research. 128: 1-14.
  4. Pasqualini V., Derolez V., Garrido M., Orsoni V., Baldi Y., Etourneau S., Leoni V., Rébillout P., Laugier T., Souchu P., Malet N., 2017. Spatiotemporal dynamics of submerged macrophyte status and watershed exploitation in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon: understanding critical factors in ecosystem degradation and restoration. Ecological Engineering, 102, 1-14.


Année 2016


  1. Baudouin M., Marengo M., Pere A., Culioli J.-M., Santoni M.-C., Marchand B., Durieux E.D.H., 2016. Comparison of otolith and scale readings for age and growth estimation of common dentex Dentex dentex. Journal of Fish Biology. 88: 760-766.
  2. Cecchi P., Garrido M., Collos Y., Pasqualini V., 2016. Water flux management and phytoplankton communities of an eutrophication Mediterranean coastal lagoon – Part II: Contribution of photosynthetic performances? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 108, 120–133.
  3. Garrido M., Cecchi P., Collos Y., Agostini S., Pasqualini V., 2016. Water flux management and phytoplankton communities in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. Part I: How to promote dinoflagellate dominance? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 104, 139–152.
  4. Marengo M., Pere A., Marchand B., Lejeune P., Durieux E.D.H., 2016. Catch variation and demographic structure of common dentex (Sparidae) exploited by Mediterranean artisanal fisheries. Bulletin of Marine Science, 92, 191-206.


Année 2015


  1. Koeck, B., Gérigny O., Durieux E.D.H., Coudray S., Garsi L.H., Bisgambiglia P.-A., Galgani F., Agostini S., 2015. Connectivity patterns of coastal fishes following different dispersal scenarios across a transboundary marine protected area (Bonifacio strait, NW Mediterranean). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 154: 234-247.
  2. Marengo M., Culioli J. M., Santoni M. C., Marchand B., Durieux E.D.H., 2015. Comparative analysis of artisanal and recreational fisheries for Dentex dentex in a Marine Protected Area. Fisheries Management and Ecology 22: 249-260.
  3. Sutour S, Xu T, Casabianca H, Paoli M., de Rocca-Serra D., Tomi F., Garrido M., Pasqualini V., Aiello A., Castola V., Bighelli A., 2015. Chemical composition of extracts from Chaetomorpha linum (Miller) Kütz. A potential use in the cosmetic Industry. International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients, 2(1), 5-5.
  4. Xu T., Sutour S., Casabianca H., Tomi F., Paoli M., Garrido M., Pasqualini V., Aiello A., Castola V., Bighelli A., 2015. Rapid Screening of Chemical Compositions of Gracilaria dura and Hypnea mucisformis (Rhodophyta) from Corsican lagoon. International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients, 2(1), 8-8.


Année 2014


  1. Garrido M., Koeck B., Goffart A., Collignon A., Hecq J.H., Agostini S., Marchand B., Lejeune B., Pasqualini V., 2014. Contrasting Patterns of Phytoplankton Communities in Two Coastal Ecosystems in Relation to Environmental Factors (Corsica, NW Mediterranean Sea). Biodiversity, 6, 296-322.
  2. Marengo M., Durieux E.D.H., Marchand B., Francour P., 2014. A review of biology, fisheries and population structure of Dentex dentex (Sparidae). Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 24: 1065-1088.


Année 2013


  1. Garrido M., Cecchi P., Vaquer A., Pasqualini V., 2013. Effects of samples conservation on photosynthetic efficiency assessment of phytoplankton using PAM fluorometry. Deep Sea Research Part I., 38-48.
  2. Gualtieri J.-S., Aiello A., Antoine-Santoni T., Poggi B., DeGentili E., 2013. Active Tracking of Maja squinado in the Mediterranean Sea with Wireless Acoustic Sensors: Method, Results and Prospectives. Sensors 2013, 13, 15682-15691.
  3. Lafabrie C., Garrido M., Leboulanger C., Cecchi P., Gregori G., Pasqualini V., Pringault O., 2013. Impact of contaminated sediment resuspension on phytoplankton in a Mediterranean lagoon: Functional and structural responses. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Sciences, 130, 70-80.




Communications dans un congrès national et international et conférences invités


Année 2018



  1. Agostini S., 2018. Invited conference. Coastal and Marine Ecological Engineering: concrete actions for sustainable management of fisheries resources and marine biodiversity in Mediterranean Sea. 2nd Global Conference and Expo on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, October 15-17, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  2. Garrido M., Cecchi P., Collos Y., Agostini S., Pasqualini V., 2018. Water flux management and phytoplankton communities in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. Part I: How to promote dinoflagellate dominance? 4th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment – WRE- 2018, July 17th-21st, Kaohsiung City, Taïwan.
  3. Antoine-Santoni T., Gualtieri J.S., Manicacci F.M., Aiello A., 2018. AMBLoRa: a Wireless Tracking and Sensor System Using Long Range Communication to Monitor Animal Behavior. SMART 2018, July 22-26, Barcelona, Spain.


Année 2017



  1. Agostini S., 2017. Invited conference. Ecological restoration on fish nurseries: a new opportunity for sustainable management of fisheries resources and marine biodiversity. International Conference on Emerging Trends In Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control – ICETIEEPC, March 13-15, Beijing, China.
  2. Agostini S., Bisgambiglia P.A., Aiello A., 2017. Applied Sciences on Fisheries Management and Ecology in the Mediterranean Sea: concrete actions on marine ecological engineering by STELLA MARE Platform. Global Conference and Expo on Applied Science, Management and Technology (Applied Science-2017) - GCEASMT, April 06-08, Dubaï, UAE.
  3. Agostini S., Garsi L.H., Lenfant P., Crechriou R., Bisgambiglia P.A., 2017. APLIM an Innovative method for Fish Early Stages identification: application in the Mediterranean Sea. International Congress on Marine Science Research and Technology 2017, May 22-24, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  4. Rossi A., Levaray M., Irisson J.O., Pasqualini V., Agostini S., 2017. Behavioral experiments on post-larval fishes in the north-eastern Corsican coast (Mediterranean Sea). International Congress on Marine Science Research and Technology 2017, May 22-24, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Année 2016



  1. Audouit C., Pasqualini V., De Wit R., Rufin-Soler C., Deboudt P., Flanquart H., 2016. What is the representation of users and/or inhabitants of Palavas and Biguglia lagoons (Mediterranean Sea - France) compared to ecological diagnostics? VII EUROLAG Conference, 1-4 March 2016, Murcia, Spain.
  2. Garrido M., Cecchi P., Malet N., Bec B., Pasqualini V., 2016. Impacts of the management of freshwater and marine flows in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon: ecosystem services and phytoplankton communities. VII EUROLAG Conference, 1-4 March 2016, Murcia, Spain.
  3. Massey J.L., Pasqualini V., Baldi Y., Bec B., Derolez V., Fiandrino A., Garrido M., Orsini V., Rébillout P., Ouisse V., de Wit R., Malet N., 2016. From seascape to habitat functioning: An ecosystem based approach to assess the status of Mediterranean micro-estuaries. VII EUROLAG Conference, 1-4 March 2016, Murcia, Spain.
  4. Rossi A., Pasqualini V., Agostini S., 2016. Methodology for the behavioral study of fish post-larvae on the Corsican coastline (east coast: Bastia). International Conference on Ecological Sciences, October 24-28, Marseille, France.


Année 2015



  1. Agostini S., 2015. Invited conference. Dispersal studies on coastal larval fishes to improve the marine protected area efficiency and management between two transboundary islands in northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Congreso de Oceanologia, November 2-8, Cumana, Venezuela.
  2. Agostini S., Gerigny O., Koeck B., Durieux E.D.H., Coudray S., Garsi L.H., Bisgambiglia P.A., Galgani F., 2015. Larval distribution and dispersal of coastal fish across a transboundary marine protected area between Corsica (France) and Sardinia (Italy) Islands (Bonifacio strait, NW Mediterranean). Colloque DRIVER/SUBLIMO "Restoration of nurseries of Mediterranean shallow coastal waters", April 27-29, Embiez Island, France.
  3. Bisgambiglia P.A., Gualtieri J.-S., Santoni T.-A., Poggi B., Federici D., Aiello A., 2015. Localization method according to collected data from an acoustic wireless sensor network. Exemple of Homarus gammarus in natural area. International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems 2015.
  4. Boualleg C., Kouachi N., Djebbari N., Gouasmia G., Quilichini Y., Ternengo S., Marchand B., Bensouillah M. 2015. Spatial-temporal distribution of epidemiological index of hatshekiidae parasites in thirteen teleost fish species from east of algerian coast. 9th International Symposium on Fish Parasites, Aug 2015, Valence, Spain.
  5. Durieux E.D.H., Garsi L-H., Perrin-Santoni A., Vanrapenbusch J-B., Agostini S., 2015 Insights on otolith shape diversity of Mediterranean postlarval fishes. Colloque DRIVER – SUBLIMO. 27-29 avril 2015, Ile des Embiez, France.
  6. Garrido M., Malet N., Cecchi P., Bec B., Pasqualini V., 2015. Is FluoroProbe® an efficient tool for the quantification and the taxonomic discrimination of phytoplankton in lagoon environment (Mediterranean Sea)? ECSA 55, 6-9 September 2015, London, UK.
  7. Garrido M., Cecchi P., Malet N., De Wit R., Pasqualini V., 2015. How to elaborate integrated management of transitional water? Assessment of the reference state in Biguglia lagoon (Corsica, France). ECSA 55, 6-9 September 2015, London, UK.
  8. Garsi L.H., Rossi A., Pasqualini V., Garrido M., Bisgambiglia P.A., Agostini S., 2015. Food web: evaluate the relationship between post-larval biodiversity and plankton communities (phyto- and zooplankton), in Northwest Mediterranean Sea. Colloque DIRVER/SUBLIMO, Institut Océanographique Paul Ricard, 27-29 avril 2015, Ile des Embiez, France.
  9. Malet N., Massey JL., Garrido M., Pasqualini V., Baldi Y., Orsoni V., Rebillout P., Bec B., Ouisse V., 2015. Resource sudsidies across a micro-temporary estuary to oligotrophic Mediterranean coastal bay (Santu bay, Agriates, Corsica Island). ECSA 55, 6-9 September 2015, London, UK.


Année 2014



  1. Agostini S., Lenfant P., Lecaillon G., Bisgambiglia P.A., Aiello A., 2013. Life + SUBLIMO: how to reduce the loss of marine biodiversity? RETI General assembly & Symposium “The Seas of the Islands”, 20-21 June 2013, Alghero, Italy.
  2.  Agostini S., Ternengo S., Bastien R., Patrissi M., 2013. Risultati promettenti sulla riproduzione del riccio di mare viola per il mentenimento della piccola pesca artigianale in Corsica. Convegno Marte+ 2013: Innovazioni nei sistemi produttivi e nelle tecniche per la pesca, 23 maggio 2013, Livorno, Italy.
  3. Agostini S., Tomasi N., Durieux E.D.H., Marengo M., Valliccioni V., Ternengo S., 2013. Caratterizzazione di mestieri, areali di pesca, risorse sfruttate in Regione di Corsica. Convegno Marte+2013: Verso la gestione sostenibile della pesca e l’aumento della competitività del settore, 23 maggio 2013, Livorno, Italy.
  4. Cecchi P., Garrido M., Collos Y., Pasqualini V., 2013. Perverse impacts of eutrophication's remediation actions in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. 8th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, July 1-5, 2013, Germany.
  5. Dijoux J., Collienne A., Lejeune P., Pasqualini V., Gobert S., 2013. L’Espadon (Xiphias gladius): biologie, écotoxicologie, évolution et état de la ressource en Corse. 28 October - 1 November 2013, 40th CIESM Congress - Marseille, France.
  6. Brind’Amour A., Dubé B., Laghzali Y., Durieux E.D.H., Mahé K., Dauvin J-C., Alizier S., Tous Rius A., Le Hir P., Morin J. 2014. Combining biological markers to estimate the realized species niche: the case of three flatfish in Seine estuary. 9th International Flatfish Symposium, 9-14 novembre 2014, Cle Elum, Washington, USA.
  7. Durieux E.D.H., Garsi L.H., Perrin-Santoni A., Agostini S., 2014. Insights on otolith shape diversity of Mediterranean postlarval fishes. International Otolith Symposium, 20-24 oct 2014, Mallorca, Espagne.
  8. Gérigny O., Koeck, B., Durieux E. D. H., Coudray S., Garsi L.-H., Bisgambiglia P.-A., Galgani F., Agostini S., 2014. Connectivity Patterns of Coastal Fishes Following Different Dispersal Scenarii Across a Transboundary Marine Protected Area. 38th Annual Larval Fish Conference. August 17 - 21, 2014, Québec City, Canada.
  9. Kaouachi N., Boualleg C, Menasria A., Quilichini Y., Ternengo S., Zeghdoudi L., Bensouilah M. 2014. Spécificité des parasites monogènes et phylogénie de leurs hôtes dans l’est du littoral algérien. IXème Congrès Maghrébin des Sciences de la Mer, 21-24 Décembre 2014, Sousse, Tunisie.
  10. Marengo M., Baudouin M., Viret A., Berrebi P., Vignon M., Marchand B., Durieux E.D.H., 2014. Combined use of otolith shape, parasites and genetic markers for stock identification of the common dentex (Dentex dentex) around Corsica Island (NW Mediterranean). International Otolith Symposium, 20-24 oct 2014, Mallorca, Espagne.
  11. Pasqualini V., 2014. Gestion et restauration des lagunes méditerranéennes : Quel impact sur les communautés végétales benthiques et pélagiques ? Congrès ECOVEG : Congrès d’écologie des communautés végétales, 9, 10 et 11 avril 2014, Lyon, France. Conférence invitée
  12. Pasqualini V., 2014. Observation d'une lagune périurbaine protégée : le cas de Biguglia. Congrès du Réseau des Observatoire Hommes-Milieux (CNRS/INEE), 18 et 19 juin 2014, Montpellier, France. Conférence invitée.


Année 2013
  1. Agostini S., Lenfant P., Lecaillon G., Bisgambiglia P.A., Aiello A., 2013. Life + SUBLIMO: how to reduce the loss of marine biodiversity? RETI General assembly & Symposium “The Seas of the Islands”, 20-21 June 2013, Alghero, Italy.
  2. Agostini S., Ternengo S., Bastien R., Patrissi M., 2013. Risultati promettenti sulla riproduzione del riccio di mare viola per il mentenimento della piccola pesca artigianale in Corsica. Convegno Marte+ 2013: Innovazioni nei sistemi produttivi e nelle tecniche per la pesca, 23 maggio 2013, Livorno, Italy.
  3. Agostini S., Tomasi N., Durieux E.D.H., Marengo M., Valliccioni V., Ternengo S., 2013. Caratterizzazione di mestieri, areali di pesca, risorse sfruttate in Regione di Corsica. Convegno Marte+2013: Verso la gestione sostenibile della pesca e l’aumento della competitività del settore, 23 maggio 2013, Livorno, Italy.
  4. Cecchi P., Garrido M., Collos Y., Pasqualini V., 2013. Perverse impacts of eutrophication's remediation actions in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. 8th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, July 1-5, 2013, Germany.
  5. Dijoux J., Collienne A., Lejeune P., Pasqualini V., Gobert S., 2013. L’Espadon (Xiphias gladius): biologie, écotoxicologie, évolution et état de la ressource en Corse. 28 October - 1 November 2013, 40th CIESM Congress - Marseille, France.
  6. Durieux E.D.H., Bareille G., Bégout M-L., Di Nisi L., Biais G., Arnaud C., Boiron-Leroy A., Pecheyran C. 2013. Evaluation de l’histoire de vie et de l’origine de soles adultes (Solea solea) du Golfe de Gascogne par microchimie des otolithes. Colloque de sclérochronologie, 2 - 4 juillet 2013, Rennes, France.
  7. Durieux E.D.H., Mahé K., Labonne M., Morin J., Brind’Amour A., 2013. Variabilité spatiale de la signature multi-élémentaire des otolithes de G0 de Solea solea et Pleuronectes platessa au sein d’un habitat côtier : exemple de la baie de Seine. Colloque de sclérochronologie, 2 - 4 juillet 2013, Rennes, France.
  8. Garsi L.H., Koeck B., Gérigny O., Bisgambiglia P.A., Pasqualini V., Garrido M., Agostini S., 2013. Relationship between planktonic communities and fishes’ post-larvae biodiversity around Corsican coasts. Symposium on Integrating New Advances in Mediterranean Oceanography & Marine Biology, November 26-29, 2013 Barcelona, Spain.
  9. Garsi L.H., Agostini S., Bisgambiglia P.A., 2013. New approach and knowledge on the distribution and population dynamics of fishes’ post-larvae around the Mediterranean Corsica Island. Symposium on Integrating New Advances in Mediterranean Oceanography & Marine Biology, November 26-29, 2013 Barcelona, Spain.
  10. Garsi L.H., Thomas C., Crec'hriou R., Agostini S., Lecaillon G., Ternengo S., Garcia-Charton J., Murenu M., Muntoni M., Lenfant P., 2013. Spatial variability of fish post-larvae around French Mediterranean coasts: first knowledge to understand the functioning of fish biodiversity. 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference, June 2-6, 2013, Miami, USA.
  11. Garsi L.H., Agostini S., Durieux E.D.H., Bisgambiglia P.A., Pasqualini V., Ternengo S., Garrido M., Gerigny O., Perrin-Santoni A., 2013. New approach in the Mediterranean Sea on the understanding of the distribution and population dynamics of fishes’ post-larvae around Corsican coasts. 37th Annual Larval Fish Conference, June 2-6, 2013, Miami, USA.
  12. Gavini A., Garrido M., Cecchi P., Etourneau S., Bec B., Orsoni V., Malet N., Pasqualini V., 2013. Impact of Mnemiopsis leidyi on phytoplankton communities in a Mediterranean lagoon: preliminary observations. 28 October - 1 November 2013, 40th CIESM Congress - Marseille, France.
  13. Gavini A., Garrido M., Cecchi P., Bec B., Malet N., Bracconi J., Orsoni V., Pasqualini V., 2013. Unexpected impact of connectivity management of a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. VI EUROLAG & VII LAGUNET Conference, 16-19th December 2013, Lecce, Italy.
  14. Lenfant P., Garsi L.H., Lecaillon G., Agostini S., Crec'Hriou R., Saragoni G., 2013. Post-larvae capture and culture evaluation of fish biodiversity and potential capacity to restore fish population. 5th World Conference on Ecological Restoration, October 6-11, 2013, Madison, USA.
  15. Marengo M., Agostini S., Tomasi N., Valliccioni V., Marchand B., Durieux E.D.H., 2013. Combined methodology for assessment of the common dentex (Dentex dentex) in the northern Corsica (France), 40th CIESM International Congress, 28 octobre-1 november 2013, Marseille, France.


Année 2012
  1. Agostini S., Lenfant P., Lecaillon G., Ternengo S., Bisgambiglia P.A., Aiello A., 2012. New approach to analyze, monitor and reduce the loss of marine biodiversity in Corsica Island (France). 2nd RETI/ENIT Conference “Islands and Sustainability: Identities, Development, Management and Planning”, 19-21 October 2012, Lesvos Island, Greece.
  2. Agostini S., Ternengo S., Bastien R., 2012. Experiments on the sea urchin juvenile production for the maintenance of artisanal fishing stocks in Corsica. Workshop “Strategy and experimentation for sustainable management and exploitation of fish stocks”, PO Marittimo MA_R_TE+ French/Italy, 18 december, Cagliari, Italy.
  3. Agostini S., Tomasi N., Marengo M. , Vallicioni V., Ternengo S., 2012. Artisanal fishing characterization in Corsica Island: preliminary results. Workshop “Strategy and experimentation for sustainable management and exploitation of fish stocks”, PO Marittimo MA_R_TE+ French/Italy, 18 december, Cagliari, Italy. 
  4. Agostini S., Vallicioni V. , Durieux E. , Marengo M., Tomasi N., Ternengo S., Aiello A., 2012. Preliminary study on artisanal fishing characterization in a Mediterranean Island: Corsica (France). 2nd RETI/ENIT Conference “Islands and Sustainability: Identities, Development, Management and Planning”, 19-21 October 2012, Lesvos Island, Greece.
  5. Durieux E.D.H., Girard S., Pasqualini V., Marengo M., Tomasi N., Agostini S., 2012. Preliminary characterization of the recreational fishing activity in Cap Corse (Corsica, France). Excellence Network of Island Territories 2012 Annual Conference, session: Integrated management of insular land and marine environments. 19-21 October 2012, Lesvos Island, Greece.
  6. Félix-Hackradt F.C., Murenu M., Muntoni M., Agostini S., Ternengo S., Lecaillon G., Lenfant P., Hackradt C.W., García-Charton J.A., 2012. Spatial and temporal patterns of fish postlarval distribution in western Mediterranean Sea: first results of mediterranean postlarval network. 36th Annual Larvae Fish Conference, 2-6 July 2012, Bergen, Norway
  7. Lafabrie C., Garrido M., Cecchi P., Leboulanger C., Pringault O., Pasqualini V., 2012. First results on the study of the responses of phytoplankton communities to bioavailable sediment-associated contaminants. 50th ECSA 3-7 June, Venice, Italy.
  8. Lenfant P., Lecaillon G., Agostini S., Saragoni G., Crechriou R., 2012. Post-larvae capture and culture: evaluation of fish biodiversity and potential restocking capacity to maintain fish population in the north coast of the Mediterranean Sea. 36th Annual Larvae Fish Conference, 2-6 July 2012, Bergen, Norway.


Ouvrages et chapitres d'ouvrages

Année 2015


  1. Agostini S., 2015. Les Actions Mer en Corse. La Revue Maritime - Dossier Méditerranée. Revue de l'Institut Français de la Mer (IFM), Editeur: Riblier E., Octobre 2015, n° 503 : 50-66.
  2. Crec’hriou R., Garsi L.-H., Lèbre L., Lozano L., Pastor J., Lecaillon G., Durieux E., Simon G., Ternengo S.,  Bracconi J.,  Briot L., Verdoit-Jarraya M., Saragoni G., Pristchepa S., Bastien R., Agostini S., Lenfant P., 2015. Atlas des post-larves de poissons de Méditerranée occidentale. Editeurs: Crec’hriou R. & Lenfant P., Programme Life + " SUBLIMO ", 192p.
  3. Lozano L., Crec’hriou R., Garsi L.H., Agostini S., Lenfant P., 2015. Caractérisation de la diversité des post-larves de poissons en Méditerranée nord-occidentale et la variabilité de leur recrutement. Scientific Reports of Port-Cros national Park. 29 : 135-165.